welcome to the end of the thought process.
I have a soundtrack to my life. A collection of songs that explains a moment in time. Those songs that clearly articulated what I was feeling or expressed a thought that I couldn't. A collection of songs that take me back , whether good or not so good, and help me see how far I've come. Sometimes a song resurfaces and is relevant in my life again. Sometimes, it like a wave on the shore; with you for a brief moment and then gone and yet always there because it is a part of something larger. I've had a lot happen in this past year that I won't go into, but this song has been a recent addition to the soundtrack of my life. It sums up my life these past several months and I'm speaking lyrically, not the subject of the video.
Great Big Sea has been described as a band you experience, rather than listen to and anyone who has seen their live show would probably agree. They've just been one of those bands that picks me up when I'm down and are just a lot of fun to listen to.
This video is from GBS's 1995 release Up. Enjoy!
Born on 28 June 1491 at Greenwich, Henry was the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.
Following the death of his elder brother, Henry became next in line to be King. His father died in 1509 and Henry took the throne just before his 18th birthday.Henry was described by contemporaries as vigorous and handsome and considered a great athlete and loved jousting and hunting. In addition, Henry was considered to be very clever and could speak Latin well and was adept at maths, astronomy, cosmology and music.
welcome to the end of the thought process.