welcome to the end of the thought process.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Die Walküre
Technical Difficulties
I Am Canadian
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Peace Train Sounding Louder, Everyone Jump On The Peace Train

This past week, we in Canada lost our 78th soldier to the Afghanistan quagmire. Etienne Gonthier, from CFB Valcartier, on his first foreign mission, killed by a roadside bomb at the age of 21.
The only comment I'm going to make is posted below. I think it sums it up pretty well. Maybe we should all buy a ticket.
Taking Solace in a New Bond

At any rate, I am now pleased to state that Bond 22 is called Quantum of Solace. Quantum of Solace is taken from the title of Ian Fleming's short story of the same name that was part of a collection entitled For Your Eyes Only, published in 1960.
Directed by Marc Forster, Quantum of Solace begins approximately 20 minutes after the action of Casino Royale (2006) ended, with James Bond investigating the death of Vesper Lynd and the mysterious shadow organisation for which Mr. White worked. Quantum of Solace stars Daniel Craig (Layer Cake), Olga Kurylenko (Hitman), Jeffrey Wright (The Invasion) and Mathieu Amalric (Munich). Quantum of Solace will be released on November 2008.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Requiescat In Pace

I first learned that Mr. Ledger had died when my sister-in-law called me and told me that she had heard of his passing on the news. At first I was shocked and I don't think I really believed her. When I checked the news on-line, that shock began to mix with sadness. Heath Ledger was a promising actor who made some brave choices in the roles he took. He always made his characters believable and one never got a sense that he was acting. He seemed to become the character so that you forgot that you were watching Heath Ledger. He had completed filming his role as the Joker in the upcoming Dark Knight which promises to be huge.
As a gay man, I respected Mr. Ledger's decision to play Ennis del Mar in Brokeback Mountain. He took a role, which I'm sure many advised him not to take, and created a character that was real. A man trapped between who he was and what the rest of the world expected him to be. Mr. Ledger created a layered, 3 dimensional character and for that I commend him. He showed great courage as well as great acting in his performance. Heath Ledger was an actor. Unlike, narrow-minded, idiots like Mark Wahlberg, who when offered the role, only saw that he'd have to kiss another man. God forbid his "manhood" be called into question by playing a fag.
It is a sad occasion when one so young is taken. People in the prime of life are not supposed to be struck down. Perhaps, there is some comfort in knowing that we will always have Mr. Ledger's all too brief but no less impressive body of work. However, it will also serve as a reminder of what may have been; the promise that was lost.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Looking Forward To This Journey

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D is scheduled for release by New Line Cinema and Walden Media on 11 July 2008. More details as they become available.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Edge Of Knight
Knight Rider stars Justin Bruening (One Life To Live) and Will Arnett (The Comebacks) and premieres on NBC on 17 February 2008.
Your Two Cents

Gentle Readers, some of you may not be members of this "blog community" and therefore could not post comments to my blog even if you wanted to, so, I have set up an e-mail address for you you to send your comments, suggestions, critiques or whatever. I want to hear from you. However, be warned, I will post your comments to the blog and will respond to each in the same manner. I am a person who enjoys a healthy debate, so if you've got something to say, here's your chance. Just send your comments to: prisoner.of.culture@gmail.com
I hope I hear from you.
Time Waits for One Man

Well, Gentle Readers, it looks as though I'm on a bit of a western theme. Today, I am encouraging everyone to give 3:10 to Yuma a look. This was one of my favourite movies of last year and it also made it onto my list of favourite movies of all time. I really liked the moral ambiguity of this film, how there were neither "good guys" or "bad guys" but characters with elements of both. 3:10 to Yuma is a cool movie that really helps re-energise the western genre.
Directed by James Mangold (Walk The Line), 3:10 to Yuma tells the story of down-on-his-luck rancher Dan Evans played by Christian Bale (The New World) who agrees to join a small posse taking notorious bandit, Ben Wade, played by Russell Crowe (American Gangster), to put him on the 3:10 train to Yuma to stand trial. The small band is being pursued by Wade's gang of thieves and murderers and Wade and Evans engage in a battle of wits. The acting in this movie is just awesome with both Bale and Crowe turning in Oscar nomination worthy performances. Bale and Crowe are two actors who are so good at inhabiting a role that you forget you're watching Bale and Crowe and believe you're watching Evans and Wade. The story is well-written and Mangold keeps the action moving along. The shootout sequence at the end is edge of your seat type stuff.
If you like a good western that doesn't rely on a sentimental view of the 'old west" then check out 3:10 to Yuma. 3:10 to Yuma is available today on DVD.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Cool F@#$ing TV Shows That You C%&*@suckers Ain't F&%#@ing Watching

Granted, Deadwood is not for everybody and those who have not see it, be warned, it is crude and very, very foul-mouthed. For example, the "F-word" apparently appears in the 36 episode series a total of 2,980 times. Not to mention the other "colourful" phrases that are peppered throughout the show. Looking beyond that, however, Deadwood is also a super well-written, smart and brilliantly acted show that brings the "old west" to life without the sentimentality that often occurs. The characters are rich, complex and immensely watchable and you can damn near smell them and the environment in which they live. As a historian, I am impressed at the lengths the producers and directors went through to get the proper look of the town and the characters and the manner in which people would speak. Liberties have been taken of course, such as the use of modern swearing. However, as writer, producer and creator David Milch (NYPD Blue) has pointed out, the use of period appropriate swearing, would have appeared comical to modern ears.
Deadwood premiered on HBO in March of 2004. A western set in the 1870s, Deadwood tells the story of the town of Deadwood (now in modern South Dakota) during the period of it's annexation to the Dakota Territory. Deadwood shows the town's development from a crude mining camp to a crude mining town, and touches on themes including the formation of communities, the rise of organised cartels and western capaitalism. Many of the main characters in Deadwood were based on actual people, such as Wild Bill Hickok, Seth Bullock, Sol Star, Calamity Jane, Al Swearengen, Charlie Utter, E. B. Farnum, George Hearst etc. The plotlines include elements of historical accuracy in addition to fiction and some of the characters are fully fictional, although they certainly may have been based on actual persons.
Although an ensemble piece, there are two stand outs that essentially drive the show and must be noted. British actor Ian McShane (We Are Marshall) plays the owner of the Gem Saloon and de facto ruler of Deadwood, Al Swearengin. McShane is such a good actor and his portrayal of Swearengin is nothing short of amazing. McShane's portrayal draws you in and creates a sense of, "what is he going to do next?". American actor Timothy Olyphant (Hitman) portrays Seth Bullock, a former marshal from Montana and co-owner of Deadwood's hardware store. Olyphant is such an under appreciated actor and his portrayal of Bullock goes beyond the mere "good guy" role. Olyphant plays the character in such a way that you can see the struggle going on inside him written all over his face.
Once again, this show ain't Bonanza (1959-1973), but if you like a gritty realism to your westerns and TV in general, checkout Deadwood. All three seasons of Deadwood are available on DVD. Once again, it is loaded with violence, nudity and extremely course language, so be warned. The clip that I've included is an amazing exchange between Swearengin and the editor of the Deadwood newspaper. It takes place after the newspaper office has been ransacked in order to send the editor a message. It does contain strong language.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
You Know The Name, You Know The Number
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I Break With Thee
Saturday Morning Cartoons

What's Opera, Doc? is a straight up parody of Richard Wagner's 19th century operas, Der Ring des Nibelungen and Die Walküre.

I am sure there will be much debate and gnashing of teeth over this and many will leap to Disney's defense. I have always thought that the world was divided into Warner Bros. people and Disney people. At any rate, please enjoy from 1955, One Froggy Evening and from 1957, What's Opera, Doc?.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Comic Relief
A Moment Of Narcissism

Thursday, January 3, 2008
You Know My Name

There was a bit on the news about animal testing which I'm dead against. They just get too nervous and forget all the answers.
Anyway, I've posted the opening titles from Casino Royale (2006). Casino Royale was the 21st Bond movie (in the official series) and one of my personal favourites. The Bond films have become known for their opening sequences while the credits roll and for my money there has never been a better opening titles sequence than Casino Royale's. I likewise think that Casino Royale pretty much has the best theme song (by Chris Cornell) of a Bond movie as well, except maybe Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney.
At any rate...Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Legion Of Eye Candy
It Ain't The Years, It's The Mileage

Directed by Steven Spielberg, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull stars Harrison Ford (Blade Runner), Cate Blanchett (The Good German) and Shia Lebeouf (Disturbia). Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be released by Paramount Pictures on 22 May 2008.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The 1000 Reasons Why I'm Crazy About Hugh Laurie
Hugh Laurie is just genius. I mean, how much talent can a human being possibly have. He is nothing short of brilliant in House M.D. (2004-present). Hugh Laurie's performance makes Dr. Gregory House easily one of the best and most watchable characters on television. In addition to being witty as all hell he's also a musician and song writer. He even finds time to write novels somewhere in all of this.
Here he is on a A Bit of Fry and Laurie (1987-1995) performing a song that he wrote which lands him at number 78 on the list of the 100 Reasons Why I'm Crazy About Hugh Laurie.
Eye Candy VIII

Born: 4 May 1982, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
My sister-in-law brought this little bit of alright to my attention and seeing as he's quite cute and a local, why not add him to the Legion of Eye Candy. Chad McNamara is perhaps best known as Rooney Doodle on the kids musical/comedy television series The Doodlebops (2004-2006). Chad McNamara has also appeared on the American version of Queer As Folk (2000-2005).