Updates will appear as they occur. Directed by Marc Forster (The Kite Runner), Bond 22 begins principal filming on 3 January 2008 and stars Daniel Craig (The Golden Compass) as James Bond.
welcome to the end of the thought process.
A base was built by the Canadian military starting in 1905 and became an internment camp for German POWs during the Second World War. The village of Petawawa was incorporated in 1961, with the current Town of Petawawa being created in 1997.
Petawawa is truly a pretty area with a lot of outdoor adventure recreation close by such as hiking, camping and white-water rafting. Right now though, we are up to our frozen asses in snow, which is going to be nice for Christmas, but dear lord, when will it stop!I have a soundtrack to my life. A collection of songs that explains a moment in time. Those songs that clearly articulated what I was feeling or expressed a thought that I couldn't. A collection of songs that take me back , whether good or not so good, and help me see how far I've come. Sometimes a song resurfaces and is relevant in my life again. Sometimes, it like a wave on the shore; with you for a brief moment and then gone and yet always there because it is a part of something larger. I've had a lot happen in this past year that I won't go into, but this song has been a recent addition to the soundtrack of my life. It sums up my life these past several months and I'm speaking lyrically, not the subject of the video.
welcome to the end of the thought process.