welcome to the end of the thought process.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cirque du Sochi

Greetings, Gentle Readers. It has been quite some time since I have posted on this, my small vanity project. It just so happens that I now find myself with something to say.

Imagine a situation where you see someone being harassed. You are alone, and there is a person in a genuinely difficult, even dangerous, situation that needs some assistance. Perhaps they are being verbally harassed, or taunted by several individuals. Perhaps they are being physically abused. I pose the question, what would you do?  Would you put yourself in harm's way to help protect another human being?  What is the least that you would do?

These thoughts have crossed my mind of late with the onset of the Sochi Olympics; the garish sideshow of melodrama, corruption and controversy that masquerades as an important coming together of nations in the spirit of athletic pursuit. Specifically, I have been considering the plight of homosexuals in Russia, and the moral outrage largely led by the enlightened "West."  I have had many people on my Facebook state that they will not watch these Olympic games in solidarity with those brutalized by an oppressive regime.  Many athletes and others have stated that they would perform their own acts of defiance in support of not just gay rights but civil rights in general.  Canadian cities have opted to fly "pride" flags from their city halls to show that Canada "cares" and stands with those who are oppressed.

However, in the end, it is all just a part of the lurid spectacle; a tale told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.  All of these protestations, all of these supposed acts of courage to let a regime that doesn't care what they think, know what they think, all of this lip service is exactly that; sound and fury signifying nothing.  What would have perhaps sent a real message?  What might have had a chance of making some small difference? 

Imagine a selfless act that sent a message that this behavior is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated.  Imagine an athlete that would have the audacity to say, "I may have worked hard to get to this level of my sport, but I can not support this corrupt organization, in a corrupt country that holds basic human rights in such little regard, therefore, I have chosen to not attend the Olympics."  That sends a message.  Imagine a nation that would say, "While we are proud of our athletes and recognize their efforts, we can not participate in these games that are so devoid of legitimacy, therefore as a nation, we will boycott these games."  Would that not be something to admire?  Would not that make us leaders against intolerance and bigotry.  Is doing what's right at the expense of one's own benefit not the highest form of public service?

Not watching the games on television is easy.  To think you are somehow making a difference or that this is some noble act of protest is vapid.  To fly "pride" flags at city halls, and wag a disapproving finger at an unsympathetic nation is not affecting change.  This truly signifies nothing.

In a couple of weeks, the medals will have been handed out.  We will have congratulated the "best of a nation," and have already started to forget the names of those who medal winners, or indeed how many medals "we" even won.  The cameras will go away, people will go back to discussing the really important matters, like who won 'Dancing with the Stars,' and Sochi's spotlight will dim.  And there in the darkness, away from the eyes of the world, homosexuals will be oppressed and beaten and killed for no other reason than for just wanting to be who they are, as the apathetic world rewards their oppressors.

So, I ask you:  Imagine a situation where you see someone being harassed. You are alone, and there is a person in a genuinely difficult, even dangerous, situation that needs some assistance. Perhaps they are being verbally harassed, or taunted by several individuals. Perhaps they are being physically abused. I pose the question, what would you do?  Would you put yourself in harm's way to help protect another human being?  What is the least that you would do?